Does Hurricane Insurance Cover Flooding? What You Need To Know

During hurricane season, people in coastal areas worry about wind, rain, and storm surge damage to homes and businesses.

Hurricane insurance covers wind and wind-driven rain damage but doesn’t include flooding. To safeguard against flood damage, you must buy a separate flood insurance policy.

Does Hurricane Insurance Cover flooding?
Flood insurance can assist in covering temporary housing and other expenses if you’re forced to leave your home or business due to flooding.[Image: Business Insider]

Does Hurricane Insurance cover flooding?

No, hurricane insurance usually doesn’t include flooding coverage.

It protects against wind and wind-driven rain damage, but not rising water or storm surge damage.

Flooding is seen as a different risk, needing a separate insurance policy. Flood insurance is made to safeguard against damage from rising water or storm surges.

It’s accessible to homeowners, renters, and business owners through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a federal program offering flood insurance coverage.

Why is flood insurance not covered by hurricane insurance?

There are several reasons why flood insurance is usually not part of hurricane insurance policies.

  1. Flood insurance is typically not included in hurricane insurance policies for several reasons.
  2. Flooding occurs more frequently than hurricanes. The NFIP estimates that approximately 25% of all homes in the United States will face a flood at some point. Including flood insurance in hurricane policies would result in significantly higher premiums.
  3. Flood damage can be more severe than hurricane damage. In certain cases, flooding has the potential to completely destroy a home, while hurricane damage is often limited to wind and roof damage.
  4. The government subsidizes flood insurance. The NFIP provides subsidies for flood insurance premiums to enhance affordability for homeowners and businesses. Integrating flood insurance into hurricane policies would eliminate this subsidy.
Special Hurricane Deductibles In Home Insurance – Forbes Advisor
[Photo: Forbes]

How to get flood insurance

Consider buying flood insurance if you live in a flood-prone area. You can get it through the NFIP or a private insurance company.

To get NFIP flood insurance:

    1. Visit the NFIP website or call your insurance agent.
    2. Give your address and property details.
    3. Choose the type of flood coverage you need.
    4. Pay your premium.

To get Flood Insurance from a private insurance company

  1. Contact your insurance agent.
  2. Inquire about the company’s flood insurance policies.
  3. Get a quote for the coverage.
  4. Decide whether to buy flood insurance from the private company.

How does flood insurance work?

Flood insurance shields your home or business from flood damage. It pays for repairs to your property and covers the cost of your belongings.

Additionally, flood insurance can assist in covering temporary housing and other expenses if you’re forced to leave your home or business due to flooding.

Does hurricane insurance cover flooding? Is flood insurance mandatory?

In certain areas, flood insurance is a must, but not everywhere. If you reside in a high-risk flood zone, your lender might make it a requirement for your mortgage.

However, even if your home isn’t in a high-risk zone, it’s still a good idea to think about getting flood insurance as a precaution.

Is hurricane insurance the same as flood insurance in Florida?

Florida law mandates that insurance policies for properties in the state must include coverage for wind damage during a hurricane (Florida Statutes § 627.712).

However, this coverage doesn’t apply to damage caused solely by flooding.

What does Florida hurricane insurance cover?

Hurricane insurance, usually included in standard home insurance policies, covers wind damage, storm surge, and damage from named storms in Florida.

It’s not mandatory but comes as part of standard coverage.

However, standard policies exclude coverage for sewer/drain backup, flooding, wind damage, mold growth, and personal belongings.

The best flood insurance companies in Florida

  • Neptune Flood Insurance
  • Kin Insurance
  • Tower Hill Insurance
  • Allstate
  • USAA Insurance

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